字體骨架運用了簡化手法達成視覺平衡。有了嚴謹的字型規範為基礎後,再重新手寫,電腦無法模擬出的筆觸是不完美偶然,也是我們欲呈現的「人的溫度」。 The font structure exercises simplified approach to reach visual balance. With the basis of rigorous principles of fonts
we write it anew with our own hands. The strokes are imperfect but fortuitous
which computers can hardly imitate. This is what we crave to present so-called “Human Temperature”.
融合了人文精神、大膽的極簡設計,「勇於嘗試,別害怕失敗」這樣的態度正是我們想傳達給年輕世代共同勉勵的。 We infuse humanistic spirit with bold minimalist design. “Dare to try; don’t be afraid of failure” is the attitude that we want to encourage and get across to young generation.